Your contribution to the Washington Arts Ensemble

With your support, we can continue to offer engaging and diverse programming that fosters community and a shared commitment to local arts. 

In the upcoming season, we aim to expand our influence in DC through educational programming and community outreach. Your donation plays a crucial role in helping us create a lasting impact. 


Giving Circles and Membership Benefits

Members will receive reserved seating for all WAE performances, exclusive access to pre-concert rehearsals, and backstage passes. Additionally, members will have the opportunity to work with WAE to design a program for a DC charity or nonprofit of their choice. 

Patrons Circle and Artists Circle members will also be invited to Chamber Music Evenings, for a unique behind-the-scenes peek into the early collaborative process. 

  • $10,000 and above

  • $5,000 to $9,999

  • 2,500 to $4,999

  • $1,000 to $2,499

  • $250 to $999

Your contribution to the Washington Arts Ensemble will support:

  • Our 2023-2024 season

  • Our partnerships and programming with DC Public Schools

  • A family concert in partnership with the Smithsonian Institution

  • Special programs in partnership with other local nonprofits that serve vulnerable DC communities, including women experiencing homelessness and children with special needs

The Washington Arts Ensemble is exempt from Federal income tax as a public charity under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (EIN 87-1577518).